Introducing Flow Therapy, a Message from CEO Michael Gratch

Legacy Heart Care & Trinity Heart Care Are Now Flow Therapy.

Video Transcript: Hi, my name is Michael Gratch. I am the Founder and President of Legacy Heart Care, an organization I started well over a decade ago, along with Trinity Heart Care in the Dallas area. As many of you know, we have been incredibly passionate about redefining how EECP therapy is delivered in our communities. I wanted to take this opportunity to share an exciting announcement with you.

As we move into 2021, Legacy Heart Care, along with Trinity, will have an entirely new look and feel, as we transition the brand to Flow Therapy.

All of our facilities will proudly change to the new Flow Therapy name and mark within the next few weeks, with some sites already making the switch. So, why? Why would we do such a thing? To quote the performance paradox, what got you here will not get you there.

We believe Flow Therapy describes not just the company, but also the science, and it allows for the story to be more easily told. Fundamentally, “enhanced external counter pulsation” can be a mouthful and a tricky phrase to get out when you need it. Flow Therapy positions the communication to be easier and more synced between the provider and the patient.

For an example:
– “Mr. Jones, I would like to send you to Flow Therapy to improve your heart symptoms.”

– “What is Flow Therapy?,” Mr. Jones may ask.

– “It’s a noninvasive treatment that increases blood flow to your heart.”

It’s that simple, and it gets the conversation on a great trajectory.

With this new identity and demonstrated research and outcomes, and new emerging science around better management for angina patients, Flow Therapy is in a wonderful position to become a bigger part of optimal medical therapy. To note, we already play a role as an effective management tool for patients who are symptomatic with microvascular dysfunction, such as the INOCA patient, and heart failure with an ischemic etiology.

We have always believed in making life better and easier. Not only do we slightly obsess about that for your patients, we also think about that for you as well. We are so excited to enter this new chapter of our journey under the new umbrella of Flow Therapy. I want to thank each of you for watching this and for your support now, and the opportunity to earn it in the future. Thank you.


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